No, I'm not on the real estate business now!!!
These shots I took are from our (mine and Maria's - my fiancée) new home that we bought a few weeks ago. Presently it's not in good condition as you can check on the pictures but I think after a couple of weeks of hard work it will be shinning like brand new. We already asked the guys from Extreme Makeover - Home Edition to drop by and give us a precious hand (just kiddin'!). Now seriously, I guess we have to count just one on each other (and a bunch of good friends) to do some major improvements and make it comfortable for us and the baby. The region is lovely though and we can see the surrounding mountains from our porch on the back of the building. That was one of the reasons why we decided to move here; other good reasons are that this small village is really quiet and peaceful and people seems to be very warm (at least it's my very first impression!) . A great place to raise children far from the chaos of a big city like Oporto.

Comments (6)

On June 14, 2007 at 3:40 PM , Anonymous said...

My dear friend i think that you have more future in the real estate business that in the shipping business...

(captain fresh water and cigarettes)

I'm joking... Or not

On June 14, 2007 at 8:06 PM , Anonymous said...

Caro amigo...

Fico feliz por saber que já conquistaste a tua imortalidade numa menina. Eis o tempo da senelidade, reflectida em nós pelos filhos.

Quanto à tua casa, sei que tens uma belas mãos para sapientemente a acarinhares com o calor do teu gosto.

Estamos a ficar maduros... os grãos da ampulheta teimam em cair arrastando-nos no inevitável patamar vital.

Raul, um grande abraço para ti e para a tua família que criaste.


On June 14, 2007 at 10:21 PM , Guy de Maupassant said...

Private Joke pr'ó amigo Silva:

"Sank you Captain, Sank you...!!!"

On June 29, 2007 at 12:28 AM , Anonymous said...


On June 29, 2007 at 12:31 AM , Anonymous said...

quem é que ia morrendo escoado só para tirar os destroços da tua nova "barraca"?
já sabes no que precisares tou aqui,só não sei falar esse teu inglês categórico...
beijos ó maninho...
vai um tinto?

On January 20, 2009 at 3:20 PM , Decor To Adore said...

May you and your family be blessed in your new home.